Monday, December 19, 2011

December 19-22

I can't believe it's the last week before Christmas break! This semester has just flown by!

This week we are just doing some reviewing. We'll talk about some of the letters we've learned and also about the word families we've worked on: -at, -an, -ag.
We will also be reviewing word wall words this week.
In writing this week we are learning about pattern books. We started this a little last week. We will be working on opposite pattern book and list pattern books. I think the kids enjoy them, but also miss writing about things they know and love!

In Math we are working on drawing numbers of objects using five groups. For example, 8 would be five and then three more. We will also be sorting objects by color, shape, and size. If you have anything to sort at home, that would be a great activity to do over break!

Social Studies
We will be talking about Hanukkah and Kwannza this week and doing a couple activities related to those holidays!

We are once again in need of some donated items. Here is a list of a few that are needed now in our classroom:
1. Hand sanitizer
2. batteries
3. white board markers
4. page protectors
5. glue sticks

If you are able to donate any of these items please feel free to bring them to me or send them to school with your student. Thank you!

Don't forget to get those homework sheets finished up! Christmas break would be a great time to do that! Remember they are due January 11th!

Have a great week and have a Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

December 5-9

This week we are working on the letter Gg and our alphafriend is Gertie Goose. Talk with your child about words that start with the /g/ sound as we will be making a list on Friday! In kindergarten we only specifically focus on the /g/ sound. The /j/ sound will be addressed more formally in 1st grade.
We have two new word wall words this week: love, go.
In writing this week we are learning new ways to share our stories, at our tables or with our partners. We are also discussing how we can use resources like our sight words and word family words to help us spell words quickly when we are writing.

In math we are working on finding partners in numbers. For example, partners for 6 would be: 5+1, 4+2, and 3+3. We are also working on drawing numbers of objects using five groups. For example, 8 would be five and then three more.

Social Studies
We will be visiting a little more about People and Celebrations. We will be talking about how different cultures protect their citizens and that we have the different branches of the military. We will be making cards for a young friend of mine who is in basic training!

We are once again in need of some donated items. Here is a list of a few that are needed now in our classroom:
1. Hand sanitizer
2. batteries
3. white board markers
4. page protectors

If you are able to donate any of these items please feel free to bring them to me or send them to school with your student. Thank you!

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14-18

This week we are working on the letter Cc and our alphafriend is Callie Cat. Talk with your child about words that start with the /k/ sound as we will be making a list on Friday!
We have no new word wall words this week, but will just be reviewing all the ones we know. Be working on those blue cards in your homework bag!
In writing this week we are working more on sounding out words and trying to write words that have more than 2 sounds. Every word should have a vowel!! :-) We are also working on making sure we can read the words we wrote!

This week in math we a doing lots of reviewing. We have completed all the formal lessons and are now doing math activities to help us remember what we've learned. I will be working specifically with those students who need a little more support. And the unit 2 assessment will be TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD IS AT SCHOOL THAT DAY!

Social Studies
We are still working on a unit about People and Celebrations. This week we will be talking about how cultures are different and how different cultures celebrate different things. We will also be making a family tree. So be talking to your child about who is in their family!

Stone Soup!
A note was sent home on Friday about our Stone Soup activity we are going to be doing as a whole kindergarten. We will be reading books about Stone Soup this week and next and then on Monday, November 21, we will make our own stone soup! We will cut and chop the food and act out the story as we start cooking the soup. We will also make butter for our bread and placemats to eat on! We will need your food contributions, however, for the fun activity. If you can send any of the following items, please send them by Friday, November 18:
*a few celery sticks
*1 onion
*1-2 carrots
*1-2 potatoes
*1 can of green beans
*1 can of peas
*1 can of corn
Also, if you would like to volunteer to help make the stone soup, please fill out the volunteer sheet and return it by Friday also. If you can't locate your sheet that was sent home Friday, we need volunteers on Monday, November 21 from 9:15-10:30am or Tuesday, November 22 from 2:15-3:15pm.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Red Ribbon Week!

Put a Cap on Drugs

Hugs Not Drugs!

Stomp Out Drugs!

Team Up Against Drugs!

(If you click on the pics you can see them larger!)

November 7-11

This week we are working on the letter Vv and our alphafriend is Vinnie Volcano. Talk with your child about words that start with the /v/ sound as we will be making a list on Friday!
Our word wall words this week are: to, me. Work with your child on how to spell these words.
In writing this week we are remembering that we need to add details to our pictures. We are also learning about the CAPS man. He reminds us that we need: Capital letters, Art, Punctuation, and Spelling in our stories!

In math this week we are reviewing numbers through 10, as well as talking about the number 10. We will also be looking at a math mat and using pennies to see how each number is one more than the previous number and one less than the number after.

Social Studies
We are starting out unit on People and Celebrations. We will we talking about how different cultures celebrate different holidays and in different ways. We will also be talking about traditions that you have in your family. Be talking to your child about those family traditions!

Quarter 2 Homework
The quarter 2 homework sheets went home last week. There are no new supplies, just new activities to add to what you've already been doing. Those snowflake sheets will be due on January 11, 2012!

Report Cards
Report cards were SUPPOSED to go home last Friday.....I FORGOT!!! :-) They will be coming home in your child's manila folder today! Sorry!!

Turkey Trot
The annual Arnold School Turkey Trot is coming up! There is a sign-up form in your child's manila folder. The event will take place next Tuesday, November 15. The kids need to be signed up by Monday, November 14!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October 24-28

This week we are working on the letter Nn and our alphafriend is Nyle Noodle. Talk with your child about words that start with the /n/ sound as we will be making a list on Friday!
Our word wall words this week are: yes, no. Work with your child on how to spell these words.
In writing this week we are really focusing on writing words. We are counting the words in our sentences and using the word wall to help spell words correctly.

In math we are continuing to make patterns. When working with your child on homework encourage them to create patterns beyond an AB pattern. Challenge them to create a pattern using three different shapes. We are also going to keep working on the numbers 6-10 by making 5-groups to show them with pattern blocks.

We are talking about drug safety in health this week. We'll talk about how to keep your body healthy by:
1. only taking medicine from a trusted adult
2. only taking medicine that is for YOU
3. alert an adult if you find medicine
4. drugs and alcohol are bad for your body!
This week is also Red Ribbon Week, so don't forget the themes of the rest of the week:
Wednesday ~ Stomp Out Drugs = wear boots or slippers
Thursday ~ Hugs, Not Drugs = bring a SMALL stuffed animal
Friday ~ Put a Cap on Drugs = wear your favorite hat!

Book Order
Remember, the book order for October is due on Monday, October, 31st. You can return the order forms to me or fill it out online!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 10-14

With conferences last week and other personal things in my life I didn't even get around to doing a blog update! Last week Mrs. Becher, my student teacher, was teaching full time so I was actually out of the room quite a bit. This week is her last week and so I'll be taking over everything again by the end of the week. It was nice to get some stuff done last week, but I'm looking forward to teaching the kiddos again! Here's what we're doing this week!

We are starting a new theme this week about family. We read a story today about grandmothers and discussed how they can be called different names. We are also really trying to focus on retelling a story by using the story structure of the story window. They're getting pretty good at it!
Our letter friend this week is Tiggie Tiger. We will be focusing a lot on the sound /t/ and comparing to the sounds of s,m, and r.
We have two new sight words this week. They are: my, mom. We will be doing lots of activities working on these words throughout the week.
In writing we are starting to try and add words to our stories. We've talked about how to "turtle talk" or sound out words using the sounds we know from the alphafriends.

Last week we started Unit 2. This unit continues to focus on the numbers 6-10, as you've seen from the homework! It also starts to incorporate the use of money (pennies and nickels so far) and patterns. It also starts the kids thinking about how math is all around us and we can always tell a story and somehow make it into a math story. Try this at home. When your child tells you a story have him/her think about how to use that story to create an addition or subtraction problem! I think they will surprise you! :-)

Intervention Week
Instead of integrated studies, this week we have an intervention week. This allows us to focus on the skills that some kids are still missing and push forward those who already have the skills mastered. We have groups doing different things: letter identification, beginning sounds, rhyming, and sight words. Ask your child whose classroom they were in today at the end of the day and what they worked on!

Book Order
I sent home a book order today in the manila folders. You have until the end of the month to return it, or go online and order. I will send a reminder at the end of the month.

Literacy Homework
Just a reminder that the literacy homework sheets (the apple sheet) will be due next Wednesday. Please be getting those finished up so we can celebrate all the great work the kids have done!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 26-30

I spent Monday filling my brain with new knowledge on how teach math more effectively! I'm a little overwhelmed, but determined to learn all I can! Here's what you kids will be learning this week!

We're working on the letter Mm this week. The alphafriend is Mimi Mouse and has a pretty fun little song! Ask your child to share it with you! :-) Help your child find thing that start with the letter m as you go through your day!
In writing we'll do some more talking about how to draw pictures. We will also start talking about how we can add labels to our pictures. If you have any books at home with labels in them, point them out to your child!
Our new word we are learning this week is "see". See if your child can write an "I see" sentence for you!

We are finishing up our unit 1 this week. We will be doing some reviewing tomorrow and Thursday, and taking the TEST ON FRIDAY!!!!! So please make sure your child is at school Friday afternoon for that! Things that you can practice at home would be:
-writing numbers 1-5
-recognizing numbers 1-5
-counting objects 1-5
-drawing a group of objects 1-5

We have started a unit on safety. We started by talking about fire safety and will discuss how to stop, drop, and roll! We will also talk about street safety and how to watch for traffic and safely cross a street!

On Friday morning we will have school pictures. Every student will have his/her picture taken, but if you would like to purchase pictures you need to return the order form WITH money by the time we have our pictures taken on Friday morning!

If you have any question please let me know!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

September 19-23

Oops! Time got away from me this week! Here's what's going on this week:

We're starting a theme on colors this week. On Monday we read a story called I Need a Lunchbox. It had many different colored items in it! We are also reading a story called, I Went Walking, will read My Favorite Colors, and Brown Bear, Brown Bear. You could be asking your child what colors he/she sees as you go through your day!
Since we have previewed all the letters, we are starting our more intense look at the letters. We are now going out of order! This week's letter is Ss and our alphafriend's name is Sammy Seal. Ask your child to sing Sammy's song and look for s's!
In writing we are talking about how to use shapes to draw pictures. Today we talked about how to draw houses and will be talking about people and other hard to draw things!

As you may have seen we have been doing some dot-to-dots this week, working on connecting the dots in order. We will also be working with our graphs with numbers 6-10 and we will also be drawing pictures of ourselves and graphing those!

This week is an intervention week instead of correlated instruction. This is a time when we are grouping kids together by what skills they need to work on. Right now we have two groups: those who need to work on letter identification and those who need to work on letter sounds. The kids are doing a great job switching rooms and playing some fun letter games!

If you have any questions please let me know!

Gingerbread Students!

Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12-16

What a wonderful weekend full of noise and planes! I hope some of you were able to make over or see some of the airshow from your house! My family and I thought it was pretty awesome! Here's what happening in our classroom this week:

We will finish talking briefly about the rest of the letters of the alphabet. The stories this week are a couple different versions of the City Mouse and the Country Mouse. Talk to your child about what kinds of things they might see in the city as compared to the country.
In writer's workshop we will continue to work on drawing picture stories that are focused on things that have really happened to us.

This week we will continue to look at numbers 1-10. We will be working on writing the numerals 4 and 5. There will be homework on a few of the days, depending on how the lessons go. Your child will now be bringing that homework home in a homework folder so you know when they have something they need to return to school. I hope this helps!

Social Studies
This week we will be talking about American Symbols. Today we talked about the Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty, the Bald Eagle, and the White House. See if your child can remember any of these! :-)

Remember that Thursday night, September 15th, is kindergarten curriculum. It is very important you try to make it to this. We will answer a lot of questions about the kindergarten curriculum and hand out our literacy homework bags. I hope to see you all there from 6-7pm!

As always, please email or call if you have any questions!

Monday, September 5, 2011

September 6-9

I hope everyone had a great Labor day with this wonderful weather!
Last week we had a student teacher, Mrs. Becher, start in our classroom. This week she will begin doing some teaching in literacy. So, here's what will be going on this week:

We will continue previewing the alphabet this week focusing on the letters Pp-Tt.
We will be reading a couple stories this week. One will be the Gingerbread Man, the other is called These are My Hands. We will be making a couple class books from these stories to have in our classroom!
In writing we will be learning how to use our writing folders, what to do when we finish a story, a new way to share our stories, and that we need to tell a story through our pictures.

This week we will be looking at numbers 1-10. Showing numbers with manipulatives, graphing numbers to see which is more or less and learning how to write the number 3. If the lessons go as planned we will have homework on Tuesday and Thursday.

Social Studies
We are beginning our social studies unit Me and My Country this week. We will be talking about why we have rules and laws and what the symbols of America are.

Book Order
I will be sending home a book order home tomorrow. Please take time to look it over and return it or order online by Friday. If you have any questions, please let me know!

Monday, August 29, 2011

August 29-Sept. 2

Here's the plan for this week:

We will be reading a couple stories, Now I'm Big and Mice Squeak, We Speak. We will be making a book about what the kids were like when they were little and how they are different now that they are 'big'. But I need your help! I would like to have a picture of your child when he or she was a baby. If you could send it to school one day this week I will scan it and get it back to you asap!

We will also be previewing the letters Kk through Oo and meeting an alphafriend to go along with that letter. You could ask your child to do the alphafriend chant for the letters we've learned!

In writing we have been drawing stories of things that really happened to us and sharing them with the class. We will also do a writing test on Friday! (Don't worry, it's just a pre-assessment to see how much they grow throughout the year

This week we will be looking at objects and seeing how they are alike and different, looking at and graphing numbers 1-10, and looking at shapes.

We will be having homework on Wednesday and Friday this week. Please have your child's homework buddy ready for his/her job!

Your child also brought home a consent form for you to sign so that I can do some class projects for a class that I am taking to get my Master's degree. I would appreciate you signing that and returning it as soon as possible! Thanks!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to call or email me!

A Great Week!

Last week was a great time in room 106! We did lots of learning and had fun doing it!
Here are some pictures of some of the workstations we have been learning how to do:
The kids are using their binders to trace their names and the ABC's.
And they got really good at putting together some of the puzzles!

The kids also have been working on making their names with play-doh (and mixing it!)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

First Week!

The first week of school went great! I hope all your kids thought so too! :-) Here are the kids in our class this year!

We spent some time playing and getting know each other this week!

We also started in on some math lesson, talking about numbers 1-5. We were arranging tiles under the numbers and had some really neat arrangements!

I'm looking forward to a full week of school this week. We'll be previewing the letters Dd-Jj, reading lots of stories, talking about the numbers 1-5, telling stories, and learning how to become a classroom community while following the school rules!

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Welcome to our blog! I will be updating the site weekly with what's going on in our classroom and posting pictures of things we do! I will send you an email when those updates happen. I'm looking forward to a great school year!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Baby Beluga

Last Week of School!

Well....last week flew by and I didn't even get a post on! Sorry! Can you believe this is the last week of school?! This year has really gone by in a wink for me! I'm going to miss the kids! Not a whole lot to say for the last 4 days of school. We have our recognition assembly tomorrow at 9. Congratulations to Savannah T. for receiving this month's trophy! Also congrats to all the kiddos last week who had perfect attendance in 4th quarter. And a BIG congrats to Kennedy for not missing a day of school the whole year!! That's a big deal!

Please make sure your child is bringing a backpack to school this week (except for Friday!). We will be sending anything left home this week and it's helpful to have someplace to carry it!

Summer Library Program
The public library met with the kids today to tell them of some great reading activities this summer. They have a reading program that is open to all kids in which they can receive prizes! I would highly recommend this program. It starts June 1 and you can get started at any Lincoln public library!

We will finish up our kindergarten school year with a wonderful world of water celebration at Arnold school on Friday, May27 in the afternoon.
Weather permitting, we will do outdoor water activities during the afternoon.
**Your child may bring a towel and sunglasses in a plastic sack.
**We will provide sunscreen for everyone!!
Your child may either bring their swimsuit or wear it under their clothes OR wear clothes that can get wet.
If possible, bring flip flops or sandals to wear while moving from station to station.
Hope for lots of sunshine!!!!
(***This is a kindergarten activity ONLY!!***)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 9-13

Wow! Can you believe we only have 3 1/2 weeks of school left! Here's how we will be finishing up this week and the weeks to come!

We are doing an oceans unit these last couple weeks of school. This week we have talked about Beluga Whales which we are researching in the library. You can have your child show you the facts about the whales we used on the website pebblego. In order to get to the site your will need to go to the Arnold media center site ( and click on the PebbleGo link under "digital content". We are also working with a poem about seastars and will be doing an activity with them on Friday!

We have been finishing up the money unit. Man, is this hard!! I have found a couple videos on youtube that the kids really like and we've been watching daily to help them learn the coins and their worth. I'm also working on putting together a video of the kids with the money....hopefully I'll get it ready!

Next week the homework sheets are due on Wednesday, May 18th!! Be finishing those up!
Next week is also our field trip!!! We will be leaving the school at 10:00 and be at the museum from 10:30-12:30. We will eat our sack lunches after we play! If you have any questions please let me know!

Have a great week!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 2-6

Welcome May! And it actually felt like spring today!

This week we are just doing a lot of review and practice. I am finishing up some assessing and everyone is looking great! I have just a couple kids I'll need to do some retesting on...but I really think they'll be there! Please be finishing up those homework sheets as they will be due May 18th!

We are still talking about money this week. We talked about the dime yesterday and the quarter today. We'll be doing more practice with the coins tomorrow and Thursday so I can assess them. They need to be able to identify the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter and know how much each one is worth!

Running results!
So I told you I was running the Lincoln half-marathon on Sunday and I'm happy to report I ran my fastest time ever! It took me 2 hours and 12 minutes! I was pretty sore on Monday, but am doing much better now! I'll post a picture as soon as my mom emails them to me!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Be a Good Egg!

April 25-28

It's hard to believe this is the last week of April! Wow, has the time flown this semester! Here's what's going on this week!

We are on our last letter this week! Our focus letter is Uu with Umbie Umbrella being our letter friend.
We are also focusing on our last kindergarten word: are
The word family we will be talking about is the -ut family.
In writing we will continue doing a lot of review. We talked about planning our stories today. We will also be talking about how a 'finished' story needs to have words on every page, details, voice, and a nicely drawn picture that is colored!

We are starting on a new chapter this week. In this chapter we will learn about time and money. Today we looked at pennies and discussed that they are worth one cent. And then we counted and sorted some pennies. This week we will also look at nickels and compare them to pennies and count by fives!

Just a reminder that tomorrow is an early out day. We have our recognition assembly in the morning....congrats to Kennedy for receiving the award this month!
And we also don't have school on Friday.

Run, Run!
Saturday is the Mayor's Run for those who signed up. If you didn't get signed up this year I would highly encourage you to participate next year. It's a mile run and then there are prizes given away! Then Sunday is the Lincoln Marathon. If you feel like getting up early and doing some cheering I will be running the half-marathon! I would love any encouragement! Here's a link to the race route if you want to look it up!

Have a great week!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 18-21

Here's this week's plans!

As you may already know, this week's letter is Jj. Jumping Jill is our letter friend.
Our focus sight word is: she. There were some really good sentences this week for she!
Our word family is the -ug family. We will be playing a game making words and deciding if they are real words or "alien" (psuedo) words! It should be fun!
In writing we are finishing up talking about voice and also talking some more about adding details. For the next couple weeks we'll be doing a lot of review and reminding. Some of the stories are getting very good! I'll have to figure out how to share them! Hmmmm....

We are going to wrap up our subtraction unit. We will play some subtraction games and I'll be reassessing those who didn't pass the assessment yet. I feel confident that everyone should do well!

I'm sure your child has probably told you, but Thursday (4/21) will be pajama day in our classroom! We earned our 40 class stars and the final vote was for a pajama day! Your child may wear appropriate jammies to school on Thursday. If he/she would like to wear slippers as well, please have them wear their shoes and bring the slippers in their backpack. If you have any questions, please let me know!!

And remember NO SCHOOL on this Friday, April 22nd.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 11-15

Sooooo....I guess last week got away from me! Sorry for no update! But here's what happening this week!

We are focusing on the letter Yy. We are focusing mainly on the /y/ sounds, but the kids also know that it can make the /e/ and the /i/ sound too!
Our word this week is: he
We don't have a focus word family.
In writing we will to talk about adding details to our stories. We want the reader to be able to picture the story in their mind while they're reading it. We also want to tell the 'inside' story. This means we want to tell how we were feeling or what we were thinking.

We are continuing our focus on subtraction. I gave a quick assessment yesterday just to see where we're at and many did a wonderful job! We will continue to do more practice this week in small groups. Some will be working on subtracting using pictures while others will be focusing on using other strategies.

Report Cards
Report cards will come home with your child on Thursday in their blue folders.

You should have received the new homework supplies last Monday. They are all yellow and 4th quarter's theme is ocean life! If you have any questions please let me know!

Field Trip
We have an official date for the field trip! We will be going to the Children's Museum on Wednesday, May 18th. We have received a generous donation from Farmland and therefore, with the donation you've made and that, have the trip funded! Thank you for the donations! We will, however, need some parents to join us on the field trip because the museum requires a 1:5 ratio of adults to children. Be looking for a note about volunteering to meet us there and also about ordering sack lunches that day (as we won't make it back in time to eat in the cafeteria!). As always, let me know if you have questions, but more information will be coming soon!

Have a great week!

Monday, March 28, 2011

March 28-April 1

Welcome back! I'm sure that was really a "spring" break, but hopefully spring will appear soon. I'm getting pretty tired of snow!! I think the kids were excited to be back today, but I could tell they were tired by the end of the day! Here's what's happening in our classroom this week:

Our focus letter is Ww with our alphafriend being Willy Worm.
Our word of the week is: this
Our word family is: -en
In writing we will be talking again about ideas to write about. We talked today about writing about things we really know a lot about. Tomorrow we will talk about places that we've been! We will also start talking about voice. In writing this means that the story should sound like the author. One way this can be done is through using different fonts. Bold, squiggly, or fun letters!
We will also be reading stories about spring (maybe this will help mother nature!) and doing a couple activities about spring and what it means.

We have started a unit on subtraction. Today we acted out some problems to get the kids to understand that in subtraction we take away. The rest of the week we will work on doing subtraction by using manipulatives and looking for patterns in subtraction.

Tomorrow (3/29) is an early out day. The kids will be dismissed at 2:18.

Book order
I will be sending home a book order tomorrow. It will be due on Friday, April 1st. You can go online to order or just return the order forms to me with money.

Attendance Assembly
Notes went home today with those students who had perfect attendance for third quarter. They will be recognized on Thursday at the assembly as will those who returned their homework sheets!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring, here we come!!

March 14-18

Hello, all! It seems that we are on the brink of spring weather! I know I'm excited for all the kids to be able to get out in the warm weather more often! Here's what happening this week:

This is a review week, so we will not have a focus letter.
The word we are focusing on is: up
We will be talking about the -og word family
In writing we have started talking about poems. Yesterday they heard some Shel Siverstein poems, today I read them a poem I wrote, and tomorrow we will write a poem together! By Friday, they will each get to write a poem by themselves! I'm excited to see what they come up with!

We will finish up our chapter on addition this week. We will be doing some fun math games that have a St. Patrick's day theme! I will also be assessing the kids individually on their addition skills.

We have been talking about farms and so yesterday and today we have watched a Reading Rainbow video about cows and how they give us milk and what we do with that milk! There's a cool part about how to make cheese! We will also be doing a fun shamrock activity in honor of St. Patrick's day! Be looking for pictures!

Next week is spring break! There will not be school all week! Please spend some of this time finishing up your homework sheets. The homework is due Wednesday, March 30th!

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7-11

With the craziness of last week I never got an update for you all! Sorry about that! Here's what's going on this week:

We are focusing on the letter Xx with our letter friend being Mr. X-ray. With the letter x we talk more about words that have x in them since there aren't many words that start with the letter x!
Our word wall word is: said
We are still talking about the -ot family this week, but also adding in the -op family. We will be playing a couple fun games with these words!
In writing we are talking about word choice. Last week we focused on adding details to our stories by using color words, size words, feeling words, and sound words. This week we are talking about using transition words (first, next, last, then) and also about how we should start sentences with different words (not always I!).

We will continue to work on adding this week. We will be drawing pictures, using cubes, using dominoes and writing number sentences. At this stage we would like them to be using some sort of manipulatives or drawing to solve the addition sentences.

Even though is doesn't seem very springy right now, we have started talking about spring. I'm hoping if we do some spring activities it will encourage the weather to change!

Thank You!
Thank you all for coming to conferences last week. I had 100% participation!! I don't think I've ever had that! It means a lot to me and your child that you are interested and care about their education!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 21-25

Well, the week is already half over! Sorry for the delay in the update! Here's what going on this week:

Our letter focus is the letter Zz, with the alphafriend being Zelda Zebra
We have two sight words this week: look, am
We will also be talking a little about the -in family
In writing we are still focusing on adding details to our words. Today we will talk about size words. We will also talk about how something feels and what it might sound like. Many of the students are starting to really pick this up and write some great stories!

I finished assessing chapter 9 on measurement today. Almost everyone passed! Starting tomorrow we will begin chapter 11 on addition. We will start out by acting out some addition problems and really thinking about how we know what to do. It should be fun!

We will finish up our nutrition lessons this week and Friday morning the Extension office staff will come to pick up the kit. While they are here the kids will get to participate in making a healthy snack!

Next week are parent/teacher conferences. I will put up the schedule on the blog page. I will also email it. If for some reason neither of these methods works for you please let me know and I will send one home with your child!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 14-18

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day! I think the kids had fun making their boxes and passing out their valentines! Thank you for all the tissue box donations! We even had some extras!

Here's what's happening this week:

Our focus letter is Dd with Dudley Duck being our alphafriend.
This week's sight word is: have
And we will finish up talking about -ig words.
We have also started a unit on transportation. We talked this morning about what transportation is and what are some different means of transportation. They named LOTS of different things that have wheels!
In writing we will talk about how to use other words we know to spell words we don't know (to,do; dad,had). We will also start talking about how we can add details to the words of our stories using color and size words.

We will be completing our unit on measurement this week. We talked yesterday about putting items in order of length from shortest to longest. We did this with Twizzlers, which the kids thought was fun! We will also be measuring things this week with links and cubes. Next week they will be assessed on whether or not they can measure items using non-standard units of measurement.

Nutrition Kit
We received a nutrition kit from the University of Nebraska Extension Office. We have done a few lesson out of the kit and will continue to do so this week. It focuses on the five food groups and what we should eat in order to have a healthy diet!

Conference Schedule
I have received an email back from quite a few parents. If you haven't responded to the email confirming or changing your time, please do so! I'd like to get it finalized by the end of the week! Thanks!

Happy Valentines Day!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 7-11

Since I was gone ALL of last week, I feel like I'm scrambling to be ready this week! So here's what's happening!

Our letter focus is Qq this week, with Queenie Queen being our alphafriend.
We're focusing on the word: for.
Since last week we didn't get to our word family, it will again be the -ig family.
In writing we're talking about writing a our stories using 2 kinds of words; words we know (sight words) or that we can find in the room. These words should be spelled correctly! There are also words that we have to sound out. These words do not need to be spelled correctly, but should have at least 3 sounds in them now.

We are finishing up chapter 7 this week (for real!) I will be assessing the kids at the end of the week on counting by 10's, 5's, and 2's. We will also be starting chapter 8 at the end of week. We will be learning about measurement.

Report Cards
Report cards were sent home on Monday with your child in their blue folders. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
I will be sending an email with an attachment of conference schedule. I am going to assume that your times from October still work. I will ask you to reply to the email to confirm your time. If your time doesn't work we will try to switch things around!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January 31-February 4

Happy Snow Day! I hope you're all staying safe today. As your child may have told you, I wasn't as school yesterday either. We have ear infections at our house. :-(
Here's what is supposed to be happening this week:

We are talking about the letter Kk and our letter friend is Keely Kangaroo. K can be a hard letter because it makes the same sound as C!
The sight word we're focusing on is: by. An easy way to help the kids remember this word is by comparing it to the word 'my'.
We will also (weather permitting!) be talking about the -ig family and building words that have -ig in them: big, fig, dig, wig, etc.
We will continue writing stories with a beginning, middle, and end in writer's workshop. This week we will also be talking about how to use different leads than "I went", which is what most of the stories start with right now! We will be talking about starting stories in different ways, "Yesterday", "On Saturday", "One time,".

We will continue working on skip counting this week. I think most of the kids have mastered counting by 10's. 5's and 2's is a little harder. We will be doing a few more lessons on this and playing some counting games to help us remember how to do this!

100th Day!
Well, Wednesday was supposed to be the 100th day, but now it will be Thursday. We will be doing some fun activities counting to 100, finding 100 things, writing 100 words, and eating 100 things!

The new supplies for your homework bags should have come home with your child yesterday. It was in a plastic, ziploc type bag. Please add the supplies to your homework bag and return the small ziploc bag to me so I can send home 4th quarter supplies in it also!

Valentine's Day
You should have also received a note about Valentine's Day yesterday. We will celebrate it on February 14th (duh!). But please don't have your child bring his/her valentines until that day. They are welcome to bring a valentine for each child and include a small piece of candy, please no LARGE treats. I will take care of those! Also, please don't write names in the 'To' blank. It makes it easier and quicker to hand out valentines if they kids can just go around and put one in each box and not have to worry about what name is on it. And please remember to send your empty tissue boxes so hopefully we can decorate them for valentine boxes! So far I have 6 boxes...14 more to go!

Thursday and Friday
Unfortunately, I will not be at school for the 100th day, for I will be gone Thursday and Friday. I will be attending a training called "Adaptive Schools Training". One team member from each grade level has been asked to attend and I was chosen for kindergarten! Hopefully it will be beneficial for me and the kids. I will also be gone two days in April for the same training. Mrs. Smidt will be my sub for both of these days. The kids have had her before and she is a common substitute at Arnold. The kids really like her and she does a great job. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or problems!

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24-28

Here's what going on in our classroom this week!

Our letter this week is Ll. Our letter friend is Larry Lion, so be thinking and talking about words that start or end with the letter l!
The sight word we are focusing on this week is: here; but we have also started to read list 3, which are the green cards. Please start working on these if your child has mastered lists 1 and 2!
We will continue to talk about the -it word family and reading words and stories with that word family.
In writing we will be taking our beginning, middle, and end story ideas and begin writing them in 3 page booklets. As you have conversations with your child talk about telling things in order, using the words, first, next, then, last, finally, etc.

This week we will be working on skip counting by 5's and 2's. We will be looking at one hundred's charts to help learn how to do this. Your child needs to be able to count by 10's independently by the end of the chapter, so please be working on this. Counting by 2's and 5's will also be assessed but not necessary in order to pass the chapter assessment.

Early Out
Please remember that tomorrow (1/25) is an early out day. We will have our character assembly in the morning. Congrats to Makena for receiving the award this month! School will dismiss at 2:18pm.

Attendance Assembly
Letters will be going home with those students today who will be getting attendance awards. Our assembly will be at 9:30 on Thursday (1/27) in the media center.

Parent Day
Remember, also, that Friday is our parent day. You can come meet Mrs. Honeycutt in the cafeteria at 10:45 and then we will eat lunch at 11:00. After lunch we will go out to recess and then come back in the room for some math activities! I hope to see you then!

Book Order
I will be sending home a book order today. I am trying a new thing this month...letting you guys put in your order online! This way you can just pay with your credit card if that works for you. You can still send the order form back to school with your child with money if you would like. Which ever option works best for you! The orders are due by this Friday, January 28th. Let me know if you have any questions!

Have a great week!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18-21

Welcome back! It seems like we've had so many days off lately. I think we're all having a hard time adjusting to being at school! Here's what we're learning this week:

We are talking about the letter Ii and our letter friend Iggy Iguana. We are focusing in the short i sound as in igloo or iguana. Feel free to talk to your child about the long i sound as in ice, but we will really only be talking about the short sound in kindergarten.
Our word wall words this week are: in, it, is
Our word family is: -it
We will be doing activities with our word wall words and word family to help the kids continue to sound out words. When practicing at home, you can have your child sound out all three sounds in the word (c-a-t) or sound it out by the first sound and the word family (c-at). Either way will help your child learn how to read!
In writing we are starting a new unit. We will still be writing stories from our lives, but we will now start writing 3 page booklets with a beginning, middle, and end. This week we won't be doing a whole lot of physical writing but practicing orally telling stories that have a beginning, middle, and end. Therefore, any practice doing this at home would be beneficial for your child!

We are starting chapter 7, which focuses on the hundreds chart. We will be looking at the hundreds chart and seeing what patterns we can identify by looking at the rows and columns and how we can find a number quickly by seeing those patterns. We will also start learning how to count by 10's!

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. day, we read a story today about why he is an important American hero. It was an interactive story that hopefully the kids got something out of. We focused on how unfair the laws were in America back in MLK's time and what he did to change that. We discussed how he fought for fairness, equality, and peace. We will read the story again tomorrow and finish up an activity with it. Stay tuned for pictures! :-)

Kindergarten Lunch
Your child should have come home with a note today about an "Eat with Your Kindergarten Student" lunch. In case your note got lost, here are the details about it:

It is time for our second annual "Eat With Your Kindergarten Student" lunches. On January 28th, please come join us in the lunchroom at 10:45. Your child's class will go through the line first at 11:00. The cost of lunch is $2.90 for adults and $2.00 for children. You can pay when you go through the lunch line. We are looking forward to having you join us for lunch. The day will be scheduled in the following way:
10:45-11:00 Meet with Mrs. Honeycutt in lunchroom
11:00-11:35 Eat with your child's class and teacher
11:35-11:55 Join your child and their class for recess
11:55-12:15 Join your child in their class for an enrichment activity

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 10-14

I hope you all had some great snow days! I did! We made banana bread and built with blocks and scooped the driveway....a few times! This week is very short, obviously, but loaded with learning!

We don't really have a focused letter, sight words, or word families this week. We'll be reviewing all that we've worked on and I'll be finishing up second quarter assessments.

I would like to remind you all to finish up your second quarter homework sheets. The homework sheets will be due next Friday, January 22nd and those who return them will be recognized at the attendance assemblies the following week. If you have any questions or problems please let me know!

And remember....there's no school on Friday, January 14th or Monday, January 17th! Happy birthday to me! :-)

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3-7

Welcome back! I hope you all had a nice holiday break. It went by really fast! It was fun to see the kids back today, excited to learn! Here's what's going on this week!

We are talking about the letter Ff. Our alphafriend is Fifi Fish. The kids are doing great on recognizing all the letters and knowing what sound they make. What we really need some help on from home is forming the letters with the correct strokes. Those lowercase f's can be tricky! We will also be working on reading and writing simple words like: fan, pan, cat, tap, etc. They are going to get to build some of these words and choose one to draw a picture of!
Our word wall words this week are: you, love. Again, the kids are doing great with the sight words. Keep working on them in your homework bags!
In writing we will be reviewing a lot of the things we've learned this quarter including periods, spaces, draw details in pictures, and where capital letters go.

We will continue our number unit. We focused on the numbers 21-30 today and will be doing some more with those numbers tomorrow. The rest of the week we will be reviewing all the numbers by playing some games and doing some fun activities!

We go to the library every Friday. Some of your children have books that are overdue. There will be a note in their blue folder if they have a book that needs to be returned.

Show and Tell
Remember that show and tell is on Friday. Your child may bring an item that fits in their backpack to share with their friends.

Club Sign Up
In their blue folders there is also the club sign up pamphlet for next quarter. If you would like to sign your child up for a club be sure to return the form as soon as possible.

Schedule Change
We have made a small change in our schedule. Recess used to be in the morning between work station time and we teachers felt like stopping to take them out and bring them back in was losing a lot of instructional time. Therefore, we moved recess to after lunch. So here is the new kindergarten schedule:
9:00-9:15 Opening
9:15-9:45 Whole Group Reading
9:45-10:45 Work Stations
10:45-11:05 Teacher Discretion
11:05-11:40 Lunch
11:40-12:00 Recess
12:00-1:05 Math/Calendar
1:05-1:45 Specials
1:45-2:00 Recess
2:00-2:40 Writer’s Workshop
2:40-3:00 Integrated
3:00-3:25 Choice Time
3:25-3:35 Closing
3:35-3:38 Dismissal