Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24-28

Here's what going on in our classroom this week!

Our letter this week is Ll. Our letter friend is Larry Lion, so be thinking and talking about words that start or end with the letter l!
The sight word we are focusing on this week is: here; but we have also started to read list 3, which are the green cards. Please start working on these if your child has mastered lists 1 and 2!
We will continue to talk about the -it word family and reading words and stories with that word family.
In writing we will be taking our beginning, middle, and end story ideas and begin writing them in 3 page booklets. As you have conversations with your child talk about telling things in order, using the words, first, next, then, last, finally, etc.

This week we will be working on skip counting by 5's and 2's. We will be looking at one hundred's charts to help learn how to do this. Your child needs to be able to count by 10's independently by the end of the chapter, so please be working on this. Counting by 2's and 5's will also be assessed but not necessary in order to pass the chapter assessment.

Early Out
Please remember that tomorrow (1/25) is an early out day. We will have our character assembly in the morning. Congrats to Makena for receiving the award this month! School will dismiss at 2:18pm.

Attendance Assembly
Letters will be going home with those students today who will be getting attendance awards. Our assembly will be at 9:30 on Thursday (1/27) in the media center.

Parent Day
Remember, also, that Friday is our parent day. You can come meet Mrs. Honeycutt in the cafeteria at 10:45 and then we will eat lunch at 11:00. After lunch we will go out to recess and then come back in the room for some math activities! I hope to see you then!

Book Order
I will be sending home a book order today. I am trying a new thing this month...letting you guys put in your order online! This way you can just pay with your credit card if that works for you. You can still send the order form back to school with your child with money if you would like. Which ever option works best for you! The orders are due by this Friday, January 28th. Let me know if you have any questions!

Have a great week!

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