I can't believe it's the last week before Christmas break! This semester has just flown by!
This week we are just doing some reviewing. We'll talk about some of the letters we've learned and also about the word families we've worked on: -at, -an, -ag.
We will also be reviewing word wall words this week.
In writing this week we are learning about pattern books. We started this a little last week. We will be working on opposite pattern book and list pattern books. I think the kids enjoy them, but also miss writing about things they know and love!
In Math we are working on drawing numbers of objects using five groups. For example, 8 would be five and then three more. We will also be sorting objects by color, shape, and size. If you have anything to sort at home, that would be a great activity to do over break!
Social Studies
We will be talking about Hanukkah and Kwannza this week and doing a couple activities related to those holidays!
We are once again in need of some donated items. Here is a list of a few that are needed now in our classroom:
1. Hand sanitizer
2. batteries
3. white board markers
4. page protectors
5. glue sticks
If you are able to donate any of these items please feel free to bring them to me or send them to school with your student. Thank you!
Don't forget to get those homework sheets finished up! Christmas break would be a great time to do that! Remember they are due January 11th!
Have a great week and have a Merry Christmas!
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