Happy Snow Day! I hope you're all staying safe today. As your child may have told you, I wasn't as school yesterday either. We have ear infections at our house. :-(
Here's what is supposed to be happening this week:
We are talking about the letter Kk and our letter friend is Keely Kangaroo. K can be a hard letter because it makes the same sound as C!
The sight word we're focusing on is: by. An easy way to help the kids remember this word is by comparing it to the word 'my'.
We will also (weather permitting!) be talking about the -ig family and building words that have -ig in them: big, fig, dig, wig, etc.
We will continue writing stories with a beginning, middle, and end in writer's workshop. This week we will also be talking about how to use different leads than "I went", which is what most of the stories start with right now! We will be talking about starting stories in different ways, "Yesterday", "On Saturday", "One time,".
We will continue working on skip counting this week. I think most of the kids have mastered counting by 10's. 5's and 2's is a little harder. We will be doing a few more lessons on this and playing some counting games to help us remember how to do this!
100th Day!
Well, Wednesday was supposed to be the 100th day, but now it will be Thursday. We will be doing some fun activities counting to 100, finding 100 things, writing 100 words, and eating 100 things!
The new supplies for your homework bags should have come home with your child yesterday. It was in a plastic, ziploc type bag. Please add the supplies to your homework bag and return the small ziploc bag to me so I can send home 4th quarter supplies in it also!
Valentine's Day
You should have also received a note about Valentine's Day yesterday. We will celebrate it on February 14th (duh!). But please don't have your child bring his/her valentines until that day. They are welcome to bring a valentine for each child and include a small piece of candy, please no LARGE treats. I will take care of those! Also, please don't write names in the 'To' blank. It makes it easier and quicker to hand out valentines if they kids can just go around and put one in each box and not have to worry about what name is on it. And please remember to send your empty tissue boxes so hopefully we can decorate them for valentine boxes! So far I have 6 boxes...14 more to go!
Thursday and Friday
Unfortunately, I will not be at school for the 100th day, for I will be gone Thursday and Friday. I will be attending a training called "Adaptive Schools Training". One team member from each grade level has been asked to attend and I was chosen for kindergarten! Hopefully it will be beneficial for me and the kids. I will also be gone two days in April for the same training. Mrs. Smidt will be my sub for both of these days. The kids have had her before and she is a common substitute at Arnold. The kids really like her and she does a great job. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or problems!
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