Monday, December 13, 2010

December 13-17

As your child may have told you, I was gone today, (my daycare was closed), but they should've had a good with Mrs. S.! Here's the happenings for this week:

We are talking about the letter Gg this week. Gertie Goose is our alphafriend, so be looking for some letter Gg art coming home Friday! Our word wall word is ,go, and we will be talking about words in the -ag family. In writing we will continue to discuss and review the conventions of using capital letters and lowercase letters correctly, putting spaces between words, having our pictures match our words, and using punctuation.

We will continue working on numbers through 20 this week. They learned about 19 and 20 today. We will be putting numbers in order and finding missing numbers on a number line.

Sooooooo, the plan was to do a Star of the Week throughout the school year, but I haven't been doing a good job of reminding/letting parents and students know when they are the star. Therefore, we will try starting to do show and tell each Friday so everyone has a chance to share and speak in front of the class. Your child may bring a small item to share on Friday. They need to think about where they got it, what they do with it, and why it's important to them. Let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Oh, My!

So this week has obviously gotten away from me!! Here's what we've done/are doing this week:

As I'm sure you've heard, our letter this week is Pp and our alphafriend is Pippa Pig. We are also talking about the -an family. We made of list of -an words today and the kids did great! To go along with that, our word wall word this week is can. If you haven't already, please begin working on the next level of words (yellow) from the homework bag. Almost everyone knows the blue words already!
In writing we've been talking about punctuation and how different punctuation means different things. We use an exclamation mark when we're excited, a period for a statement, and a question mark for a question.

We have moved on to chapter 6 and are talking about numbers 11-20. We are looking at ten frames to identify the numbers and understand the place value of the numbers. Many of the kids are really starting to understand why there is a 1 in the tens place (because one whole ten frame is full)! We will also continue to write numbers 1-20. Please make sure your child is doing this at home. And they can write farther if they want!

I sent home a book order form yesterday. If you would like to order books please return the form and money to me by Friday.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Stone Soup

Nov. 29- Dec.3

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving spent with family and friends! Here's what's happening this week:

We are talking about the letter Cc. Our alphafriend is Callie Cat. We really only hit on the hard /k/ sound for c. You can discuss the soft /s/ sound with your child, but they won't get formal instruction on that until first grade.
Our word this week is to. We talked about how there are more than one spelling of the word and the other meanings, so please help reinforce this at home.
We cleaned out our writing folders today. We are really going to focus on being able to read the stories that we write, so please have your child read his/her stories to you if they can.

We have started a new chapter this week on geometry. We talked today about the solid shapes: cube, cylinder, cone, pyramid, sphere, and rectangular prism. This topic is just introduced in kindergarten and will be assessed in first grade. The rest of the week we will be talking about plane shapes: triange, rectangle, square, and circle.

Early Out
Please remember that tomorrow is an early out day. The kids will be dismissed at 2:18.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So I realized it's almost Wednesday, and I haven't posted about what's going on this week! Ooops! Sorry! So here it is!

We are working on the letter Vv. Our letter friend is Vinnie Volcano. We're also continuing to learn how to sound out words, like cat, man, or top. We are looking at the -ap work family this week to help the kids learn to read and recognize words. Along those lines, we are also learning about the word 'and' this week. You should have gotten the word wall words in your second quarter homework packet. The blue words are the ones the kids need to know for this quarter, so really focus on those, however, once they've mastered those, feel free to move onto the green ones for third quarter.
In writing we are continuing to work on sounding out words and drawing pictures with details.

We are finishing up a chapter 4 this week. I will be assessing the kids by the end of the week on the numbers 6-10. They need to be able to count, recognize, and write those numbers, along with the numbers 0-10. So, be using those number cards, tens frames, and notebooks in the homework bag!

Picture retakes are on Friday, is you would like your child have his/her picture retaken, please have that info sent to me by Friday.

Stone Soup
A note went home yesterday about Stone Soup. We have been reading Stone Soup stories this week, and will be making it next week. I received a few volunteer slips today, so if you do want to volunteer, please send your sheet back! Also, if you can spare, we do need vegetables for the soup so go ahead and send those to school with your child by Monday!

Monday, November 8, 2010

November 8-12

I was reminded by a student this morning that I never sent out the lunch/specials calendar for this month! I apologize and that will be sent home today!

We will be talking about the letter Hh. Our alphafriend is Hattie Horse. We will start trying to hear more sounds in words this week also. I will say the sounds in a word, /k/ /a/ /t/, and they should be able to tell me the word is cat. We will also be working on reading and writing simple, one syllable words. Included in that are words from the -at family: sat, cat, hat, etc.
Our sight words this week are: at and me
In writing we will be talking about using capital letters, art, punctuation, and spaces. We'll do this by talking about the CAPS man! We will also talk about adding good details to our pictures.

This week in math we will continue to talk about numbers. We will focus on the numbers 9 and 10 and play some games counting and recognizing those numbers.

I will be sending home the new homework supplies for second quarter. Add it to your current homework bag and begin working on the snowflake sheet. Those will be due at the end of the second quarter which will be in January. Please let me know if you have any questions about the homework sheets or new materials!

Monday, November 1, 2010

November 1-5

Wow! November, huh?! This year seems to be flying by! I hope you all had a great Halloween and didn't eat too much candy! :-) Here's what's happening this week:

We will talking about the letter Nn. Our alphafriend is Nyle Noodle, so have you kiddo think of things Nyle would like! We've also been working on breaking words into onset and rime. This means that I say /k/ - /at/, and they have to be able to tell me that it's the word cat. This is something they will need to be able to do by the end of second quarter, so it's something you could do with your kids as you're driving in the car and see things as you go! And our word wall words this week are yes and no. So you could have your child practice writing these in a variety of different ways!
In writing we will continue to work on writing words on our stories. We will work on counting how the words we want to write and using the word wall to help us spell words.

We will be talking about he numbers 6-8 this week. We will focus on identifying and writing the number and also counting that many objects.

We will be having attendance assemblies on Thursday at 9:30. If your child is receiving a certificate for oustanding attendance you will get a letter in their folder today. We will also be handing out certificates for returning the apple homework sheets at this time, so if your child still hasn't returned his/hers, they still have time!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! I hope you all have a chance to spend a little more times with your kids over their fall break. And please continue to use the homework bags and do some academic work. A week is a long time for these little kiddos to be away from school and learning! Please help in retaining what they've learned. Can't wait to hear about all their Halloween costumes! Feel free to email me pictures if you want!

Stomp out drugs!

Hugs, Not Drugs!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Proud to be drug free!

Put a Cap on Drugs!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Oct. 18-22

Tough Husker game to watch this weekend, huh? Oh well! On to the next game, I guess!

Tuesday is an early out day. The kids will be dismissed at 2:18!

This week's letter is the letter Bb. Our alphafriend is Benny Bear, so please talk to your child about words that start with that sound. And don't forget about the previous letters they should have mastered: m,r,s, and t!
In writing we will be finishing up our first unit and 'publishing' a piece of writing to put on display.

We will be finishing up our numbers 0-5 chapter this week by doing some fun activities and counting games. Be counting with your kids whenever the chance comes up, and you don't have to limit them to only 5....see how high they can go! Beyond counting, however, they need to be able to recognize the numbers also, so point out numbers when you see them around town!

Have a great week!

Team Up Against Drugs!

Today was the start of Red Ribbon Week. Here are the kiddos who teamed up against drugs!

Remember tomorrow is Proud to be Drug Free and the kids can wear red, white, and blue!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

News and Reminders!

Tomorrow is picture day. Our class will have our pictures taken from 9:50-10:10. I'm excited it's not after lunch when they've been attacked by their food! :-) If you want to purchase any pictures, make sure you return the picture form. I have received one from Jacklyn and Dylan P. so far.

Homework Bags
Just a reminder to continue doing your homework sheet if you haven't completed it. If your child returns his/her apple sheet (the sheet only, keep the bag at home!) he/she will their name on the wall, a certificate, and a special treat!

Red Ribbon Week
Next week is Red Ribbon Week. This is a spirit week to help promote a drug free lifestyle. Here's what will be happening during the week:

Monday, October 18th - Team Up Against Drugs
The kids can wear their favorite sports team colors.

Tuesday, October 19th (Early Out Day!) - Proud to Be Drug Free
The kids can wear red, white, and blue.

Wednesday, October 20th - Put a Cap on Drugs
The kids can wear a hat or cap.

Thursday, October 21st - Stomp Out Drugs
The kids can wear boots or slippers.

Friday, October 22nd - Hugs Not Drugs
The kids can bring a SMALL stuffed animal or beanie baby.

Monday, October 11, 2010

October 11-15

Happy Columbus Day! Here's what's happening this week!

We are starting a new theme this week about family. We will be talking about who is in our family and drawing pictures of them! We will be focusing on the letter T this week. Our alphafriend is Tiggy Tiger, so being talking to your child about words and things that start with the letter T. Remember to also talk about what sound it makes. Our sight word this week is "my". The kids will be reading a poem with my in it, reading stories with my, and writing my on white boards!
In writing we will be talking about putting spaces between words and adding punctuation at the end of a sentence.

In math we will continue to talk about numbers. We will talk about the number 5 and be counting and writing numbers 0-5.

I would like to apologize. Your specials schedule you received for October is incorrect. We were informed by the specialists that the schedule will change for the end of the quarter. Therefore, for this week is:
Tuesday: P.E.
Wednesday: Art
Thursday: Science
Friday: P.E.

Don't forget conferences are this week on Tuesday and Thursday and pictures are on Friday!

Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4-8

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend with no Husker game! It's crazy that we have two weekends in a row without one! Here's what happening this week in our classroom!

We are learning about the letter Rr. Our alphafriend is Reggie Rooster. Be talking to you child about words that start with the letter Rr. Have them look through a book or magazine and find that letter or a picture of something that starts with that letter.

In writing we will continue to talk about labeling our pictures with letters and words. We will talk about how to turtle talk (say slowly) a word out. Towards the end of the week we will talk about writing words on the lines at the bottom of the paper!

In math we will be talking about numbers this week. Today we talked about eh number 0. We talked about what zero means. Here's what the kids came up with:
no names
no more
time is up
everybody's out
no food
not there
I was really impressed with their knowledge of the number zero. We will be talking about 1-4 the rest of the week, so be talking with your child about what those numbers mean to them! We will also be writing and counting those numbers.

There will be a conference reminder note coming home with your child today in their blue folder. Please make sure you can still come at that time. If you have a problem please contact me ASAP!

Picture Day
There is also a picture packet coming home. All your children will be photographed on picture day whether you buy pictures or not in order for them all to be on the composite. If you want any pictures of your child or a composite picture you will need to fill out the form and return it to school by picture day.

Picture Day is Friday, October 15th!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sept. 27-Oct. 1

Hello! Sorry I'm late in getting this out this week!

Our new alphafriend this week is Mimi Mouse, who likes the letter Mm. Talk to you kids about what m says and what are some words that start with that letter. In writer's workshop we are talking about labeling our pictures. The kids will learn they can label a picture with a letter or a word to help others read the story/picture. We're still also talking about colors and identifying the names and colors.

We are starting a new chapter this week! I have assessed the kids on patterns and almost all of them passed with flying colors! Our new chapter is about the numbers 0-5. This week we will be working on one-to-one correspondence and deciding if two sets of items are equal, more, or less.

Just a reminder that parent/teacher conferences will be on October 12 and 14. I will be sending a sheet home with your child soon to remind you of what time and day you signed up for.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concern!

Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20-24

Hello, all! I hope you enjoyed your cool weekend! I'm ready for fall to start, but it looks like I might have to wait! Here's what's happening this week in our classroom:

We are focusing on the letter Ss this week. The kids learned about Sammy Seal today. They found the letter s and colored a picture with lots of s items! You could ask your child to tell you some words that start with the letter s because on Friday we'll make a list of all the words we can think of! In small groups we will be working on writing names. All the kids got to come to my table today and trace their name with 4 different colors. We called it rainbow writing! Tomorrow we're going to trace our names again, but then also write them on our own! In writing we're talking about how to draw people and things that may seem hard to draw. Please encourage to child to think of stories from his/her life that he/she could draw about. It could be something as simple as eating dinner!

We will be finishing up the pattern unit this week! Yay! In order for you child to get a 3 in this chapter he/she needs to be able to at least make an ABC pattern. Any practice at home using those buttons from the homework bags, or anything else, would definately help your child!

As always, if you have questions or concerns, please call or email me! Have a great week!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Run, run, as fast as you can!

Recess Fun!

New Week!

Good Day to All!
I hope you had a good weekend and didn't get sunburnt like I did! :-) Here's what happening this week in our classroom!

We are in our last week of previewing the letters. This week we will focus on the letters Uu-Zz. We are also reading the Aesop Fable of The City Mouse and the Country Mouse. We will read a couple different versions of it and make a class book. We might even make some puppets to act out the story! The kids will learn how to use the listening station and how to read the room with pointers. In writing we will talk about what things we can add to our pictures to tell a story and how to draw simple things and people. Our poem this week is about a Hungry Mouse and the different things it likes to eat. Ask your child about what letter we talked about each day!

We are still working on patterns. I want them to make a pattern beyond just an AB pattern. We have explored AAB and ABB, and a couple kids have come up with ABC and AABBCC! Be practicing these with your buttons from your homework bag or any other items you have at home!

Homework Bags
I will be sending home the homework bags with those childeren who did not make it to curriculum night. I will have a short letter with instructions included. Please make sure you begin to use this regularly!

Have a great week and as always, let me know if you have questions or concerns!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

I hope you all get to have a nice, relaxing Labor Day! Here's what will be going on in our classroom this week.

We will continue to focus on previewing the letters of the alphabet. This week we will introduce letters p-t. We will also continue to practice writing our names. We will be practicing doing work stations like pocket chart, ABC, and classroom library. We will also get to go to the media center for the first time and the kids will be able to check out books!

We will be working all this week on patterns. We learned last week about AB patterns, but will be talking also about AAB, ABB, and other kinds of patterns. Any practice seeing or making patterns at home would be appreciated!

Supplies Request!
If you have any paper towel rolls at your house, I would appreciate it if you would send them to school with your child. There's a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom activity I would like to do, but it requires the towel rolls! Thanks!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Curriculum Update

We will continue to preview the letters this week focusing on J-Z. Pointing the letters out to your child and talking about what sounds they make would be a great help in the classroom.

In math I will be assessing the kids' sorting skills. They need to be able to sort items in at least 2 ways. Last week we learned how to sort by color and shape. This week we will talk about size and kind. Any practice at home on these skills would also be beneficial for you child!

And just a reminder that Tuesday is an early out day. The kids will be dismissed at 2:18 so we can meet as teams in order to bring your children the best we possibly can!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kindergarten News

We're still getting used to the schedule, routines, rules and new faces. Here are some concepts we are working on that you could ask about!

Rhyming ~ try to work rhyming words into conversation at home. READ and point out rhyming words in books you have at home. We will test the ability to pick out rhyming pairs soon!
Letters ~ we are introducing capital and lowercase letters. Talk about what letter comes at the beginning of your child's name. In class we have started a name chart!

We are working on position words like ~ top, middle bottom
in and out
above and below
over and under
left and right
Please try to use these words in daily conversations as well!

Writer's Workshop
We are learning that kindergartners can be authors. We've spent the last few days telling oral stories from our lives. We want to kids to be able to tell/write stories that really happened to them. The rest of this week we'll be working on drawing pictures of our stories.

And of course we're still working on what the rules are inside and outside and how the school discipline system works. You should have received a note about the school's BIST program and how the students may have to sit in the safe seat or go to the buddy room.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Day!

We had a great first day of school this year! We learned about how to make your lunch choice, hang up our backpacks, sit on the rug, and sit at our tables! We read a couple stories about how we are all different, but we can still work together and get along. I took everyone's picture and while I did that the kids got to play with playdough. This was many of the kids' favorite part of the day. Other favorites were recess, lunch, and making their handprint after we read The Kissing Hand. This is a story about a little raccoon going to his first day of school and his mom kissed his hand so he would know she was with him all the time. I'm looking foward to the rest of the week!