I was reminded by a student this morning that I never sent out the lunch/specials calendar for this month! I apologize and that will be sent home today!
We will be talking about the letter Hh. Our alphafriend is Hattie Horse. We will start trying to hear more sounds in words this week also. I will say the sounds in a word, /k/ /a/ /t/, and they should be able to tell me the word is cat. We will also be working on reading and writing simple, one syllable words. Included in that are words from the -at family: sat, cat, hat, etc.
Our sight words this week are: at and me
In writing we will be talking about using capital letters, art, punctuation, and spaces. We'll do this by talking about the CAPS man! We will also talk about adding good details to our pictures.
This week in math we will continue to talk about numbers. We will focus on the numbers 9 and 10 and play some games counting and recognizing those numbers.
I will be sending home the new homework supplies for second quarter. Add it to your current homework bag and begin working on the snowflake sheet. Those will be due at the end of the second quarter which will be in January. Please let me know if you have any questions about the homework sheets or new materials!
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