Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sept. 27-Oct. 1

Hello! Sorry I'm late in getting this out this week!

Our new alphafriend this week is Mimi Mouse, who likes the letter Mm. Talk to you kids about what m says and what are some words that start with that letter. In writer's workshop we are talking about labeling our pictures. The kids will learn they can label a picture with a letter or a word to help others read the story/picture. We're still also talking about colors and identifying the names and colors.

We are starting a new chapter this week! I have assessed the kids on patterns and almost all of them passed with flying colors! Our new chapter is about the numbers 0-5. This week we will be working on one-to-one correspondence and deciding if two sets of items are equal, more, or less.

Just a reminder that parent/teacher conferences will be on October 12 and 14. I will be sending a sheet home with your child soon to remind you of what time and day you signed up for.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concern!

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