Monday, November 1, 2010

November 1-5

Wow! November, huh?! This year seems to be flying by! I hope you all had a great Halloween and didn't eat too much candy! :-) Here's what's happening this week:

We will talking about the letter Nn. Our alphafriend is Nyle Noodle, so have you kiddo think of things Nyle would like! We've also been working on breaking words into onset and rime. This means that I say /k/ - /at/, and they have to be able to tell me that it's the word cat. This is something they will need to be able to do by the end of second quarter, so it's something you could do with your kids as you're driving in the car and see things as you go! And our word wall words this week are yes and no. So you could have your child practice writing these in a variety of different ways!
In writing we will continue to work on writing words on our stories. We will work on counting how the words we want to write and using the word wall to help us spell words.

We will be talking about he numbers 6-8 this week. We will focus on identifying and writing the number and also counting that many objects.

We will be having attendance assemblies on Thursday at 9:30. If your child is receiving a certificate for oustanding attendance you will get a letter in their folder today. We will also be handing out certificates for returning the apple homework sheets at this time, so if your child still hasn't returned his/hers, they still have time!!

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