Saturday, September 15, 2012

Week 5

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!
We read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom this week and did a name activity with it!  The kids did a fantastic job coloring their pictures and putting their names on with foam letter stickers.

Health and Safety
In health this week and last we worked on safety.  Safety at school and safety at home.  We talked about fire safety and how to stop, drop, and roll!  We also talked about what an emergency is and what to do in case of one.  Here are some pictures of the kids making a phone to practice dialing 911.

Field Trip
Hopefully by now you have received at least one of the two sheets sent home about our field trip! We are scheduled to go to JK's Pumpkin Patch on Friday, October 5th.  Thank you for those who donated funds, but we are just shy of half the amount we need!!  We're looking for money in any form we can get!  Also, we are not required to have a certain number of adults to supervise the kids, but if you would like to join us please just let me know!  Thanks!!

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