Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy Fall!

This week we were able to do a fall craft!  We read a fantasy story about three leaves that changed colors and then we tore out our own leaves and glues them on a fall tree!

And of course, we went to the pumpkin patch!!  A great time was had by all!  I hope you are enjoying your little pumpkin.  We went on a hayrack ride to pick them out and then the kids got the play on the many fun things at JK's Pumpkin Patch!
Here we are eating our sack lunches in the classroom!

On the bus!

Waiting for the hayrack ride.


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Math Fun!

At the beginning of math time every day we practice our show, say, and count for the numbers 1-10.  We have a different student leader every day and the kids have gotten very quick and good at the activity!

 Show me this number.

We also do math routines every day.  The leader has to circle a new number on the 120 poster and write an equation to go along with it.  For example: 34 = 30 + 4.  This equation is the beginning of teaching the kids tens and ones.  Then we do the giant number cards to show that 30 and 4 makes 34.

Then we do the money chart.  This is another way for the kids to see the tens and ones.

We got a new tool this week to build numbers with...shapes!  We used triangles and parallelograms.

Spaces and Punctuation

In writing we have been working on putting spaces between words and adding punctuation at the end of the sentence.  Here are some great examples of doing both of those things!

Charis and I play with my dog.

We went to the movie theatre.

I am at my house.

I can walk to the store.

We played in the leaves.

I can see my backyard.