Friday, August 10, 2012


Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year!  Thank you to all who were able to come to Back to School Night last night!  I had a great time meeting you all and look forward to a great school year!

My goal is to update our blog page once a week to let you know what we've been doing in the classroom.  I try to add pictures as much as possible to make it more fun! :-)

Meet the Teachers!
At Arnold Elementary we work together as a team of teachers to best meet the needs of your child.  Check out the Arnold website HERE to check out who the other kindergarten teachers are!  We, as a team, have shared goal, priorities, and expectation for all the students and work together to make sure each child is learning to his or her potential!

Miss Boltz
This year, first semester, we will have a student teacher in our classroom.  Miss Boltz is a student as the University of Nebraska - Lincoln.  She has already been in our classroom helping get it ready and will be with us until the beginning of December.  Miss Boltz has lived in Lincoln her whole life and has seven brothers and sisters!  She is very excited to learn with your children throughout this semester!

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