Work Stations
We started learning some work station jobs last week. One station is playdoh. We have letter cookie cutters and the kids are supposed to cut out letters. Some students are even able to cut out the letters in their names!
Another work station is rainbow writing. Each student has a paper with their names on it. They have to trace their name four times with 3 different colors!
Puzzles is the third work station we've been doing. We have many different board puzzles that the kids are working on putting at a time!
We also have the book station. The kids can get a stuffed animal to read to on the rug or in a chair. We talked about how there are three ways to read a book: read the pictures, read the words, tell the story.
One other work station is learning how to play a game! Right now we are working on playing Candyland. They are working on their colors, remembering their piece, remembering their friends' names, and counting spaces!
Writer's Workshop
In writer's workshop right now we are working on drawing picture stories of something that really happened to us. We are also working on handwriting. Learning the correct strokes of the letters and having lots of practice doing it!