Monday, August 27, 2012

Week #2

Work Stations
We started learning some work station jobs last week.  One station is playdoh.  We have letter cookie cutters and the kids are supposed to cut out letters.  Some students are even able to cut out the letters in their names!

Another work station is rainbow writing.  Each student has a paper with their names on it.  They have to trace their name four times with 3 different colors!

Puzzles is the third work station we've been doing.  We have many different board puzzles that the kids are working on putting at a time!

We also have the book station.  The kids can get a stuffed animal to read to on the rug or in a chair.  We talked about how there are three ways to read a book: read the pictures, read the words, tell the story.

One other work station is learning how to play a game!  Right now we are working on playing Candyland.  They are working on their colors, remembering their piece, remembering their friends' names, and counting spaces!

Writer's Workshop
In writer's workshop right now we are working on drawing picture stories of something that really happened to us.  We are also working on handwriting.  Learning the correct strokes of the letters and having lots of practice doing it!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Popsicle Party!

We have a classroom behavior incentive of stars.  When I, or someone else, catches the kids doing something well, the class gets a star.  Our first goal was to get 10 stars....and we did that in the first week!  So we had a popsicle party!

Our next goal is 15....and we're almost there as well!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day Two!

Today we did a lot of the same things as yesterday: learning rules and expectations, playing, and reading stories!  The kids' attention span was better today...hopefully it gets a little longer each day! :-)

Rug Expectations
We reviewed what it should look like and sound like when we are ready to learn on the rug.  Here are some of our friends showing that we should:

Sit criss-cross

Have our hands in our lap

Have our voices off

And keep our eyes on the speaker!

We also talked about what we should do if we have something we need to say....

Raise our hands!

Line Expectations
We also did more practice getting in line and thinking about what it looks like.  We need to.....

Face forward

Stand right behind the person in front of us

And have our hands at our sides!

 Look how straight our line is!!!

For math today we did some counting looking at our number parade, counted with our fingers, and looked at the giant number cards 1-5.  Then we got to get our math tools!  We learned how to get them out carefully and put them on our math trays.  Then the kids got to play with the tools for a while and explore with them.  Then I asked them to put the number tiles in order on the top of their trays.  They did awesome!!  We are going to have a great time in math this year!  Tomorrow we are going to do an activity with these same math tools!