Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 21-25

Well, the week is already half over! Sorry for the delay in the update! Here's what going on this week:

Our letter focus is the letter Zz, with the alphafriend being Zelda Zebra
We have two sight words this week: look, am
We will also be talking a little about the -in family
In writing we are still focusing on adding details to our words. Today we will talk about size words. We will also talk about how something feels and what it might sound like. Many of the students are starting to really pick this up and write some great stories!

I finished assessing chapter 9 on measurement today. Almost everyone passed! Starting tomorrow we will begin chapter 11 on addition. We will start out by acting out some addition problems and really thinking about how we know what to do. It should be fun!

We will finish up our nutrition lessons this week and Friday morning the Extension office staff will come to pick up the kit. While they are here the kids will get to participate in making a healthy snack!

Next week are parent/teacher conferences. I will put up the schedule on the blog page. I will also email it. If for some reason neither of these methods works for you please let me know and I will send one home with your child!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 14-18

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day! I think the kids had fun making their boxes and passing out their valentines! Thank you for all the tissue box donations! We even had some extras!

Here's what's happening this week:

Our focus letter is Dd with Dudley Duck being our alphafriend.
This week's sight word is: have
And we will finish up talking about -ig words.
We have also started a unit on transportation. We talked this morning about what transportation is and what are some different means of transportation. They named LOTS of different things that have wheels!
In writing we will talk about how to use other words we know to spell words we don't know (to,do; dad,had). We will also start talking about how we can add details to the words of our stories using color and size words.

We will be completing our unit on measurement this week. We talked yesterday about putting items in order of length from shortest to longest. We did this with Twizzlers, which the kids thought was fun! We will also be measuring things this week with links and cubes. Next week they will be assessed on whether or not they can measure items using non-standard units of measurement.

Nutrition Kit
We received a nutrition kit from the University of Nebraska Extension Office. We have done a few lesson out of the kit and will continue to do so this week. It focuses on the five food groups and what we should eat in order to have a healthy diet!

Conference Schedule
I have received an email back from quite a few parents. If you haven't responded to the email confirming or changing your time, please do so! I'd like to get it finalized by the end of the week! Thanks!

Happy Valentines Day!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 7-11

Since I was gone ALL of last week, I feel like I'm scrambling to be ready this week! So here's what's happening!

Our letter focus is Qq this week, with Queenie Queen being our alphafriend.
We're focusing on the word: for.
Since last week we didn't get to our word family, it will again be the -ig family.
In writing we're talking about writing a our stories using 2 kinds of words; words we know (sight words) or that we can find in the room. These words should be spelled correctly! There are also words that we have to sound out. These words do not need to be spelled correctly, but should have at least 3 sounds in them now.

We are finishing up chapter 7 this week (for real!) I will be assessing the kids at the end of the week on counting by 10's, 5's, and 2's. We will also be starting chapter 8 at the end of week. We will be learning about measurement.

Report Cards
Report cards were sent home on Monday with your child in their blue folders. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
I will be sending an email with an attachment of conference schedule. I am going to assume that your times from October still work. I will ask you to reply to the email to confirm your time. If your time doesn't work we will try to switch things around!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January 31-February 4

Happy Snow Day! I hope you're all staying safe today. As your child may have told you, I wasn't as school yesterday either. We have ear infections at our house. :-(
Here's what is supposed to be happening this week:

We are talking about the letter Kk and our letter friend is Keely Kangaroo. K can be a hard letter because it makes the same sound as C!
The sight word we're focusing on is: by. An easy way to help the kids remember this word is by comparing it to the word 'my'.
We will also (weather permitting!) be talking about the -ig family and building words that have -ig in them: big, fig, dig, wig, etc.
We will continue writing stories with a beginning, middle, and end in writer's workshop. This week we will also be talking about how to use different leads than "I went", which is what most of the stories start with right now! We will be talking about starting stories in different ways, "Yesterday", "On Saturday", "One time,".

We will continue working on skip counting this week. I think most of the kids have mastered counting by 10's. 5's and 2's is a little harder. We will be doing a few more lessons on this and playing some counting games to help us remember how to do this!

100th Day!
Well, Wednesday was supposed to be the 100th day, but now it will be Thursday. We will be doing some fun activities counting to 100, finding 100 things, writing 100 words, and eating 100 things!

The new supplies for your homework bags should have come home with your child yesterday. It was in a plastic, ziploc type bag. Please add the supplies to your homework bag and return the small ziploc bag to me so I can send home 4th quarter supplies in it also!

Valentine's Day
You should have also received a note about Valentine's Day yesterday. We will celebrate it on February 14th (duh!). But please don't have your child bring his/her valentines until that day. They are welcome to bring a valentine for each child and include a small piece of candy, please no LARGE treats. I will take care of those! Also, please don't write names in the 'To' blank. It makes it easier and quicker to hand out valentines if they kids can just go around and put one in each box and not have to worry about what name is on it. And please remember to send your empty tissue boxes so hopefully we can decorate them for valentine boxes! So far I have 6 boxes...14 more to go!

Thursday and Friday
Unfortunately, I will not be at school for the 100th day, for I will be gone Thursday and Friday. I will be attending a training called "Adaptive Schools Training". One team member from each grade level has been asked to attend and I was chosen for kindergarten! Hopefully it will be beneficial for me and the kids. I will also be gone two days in April for the same training. Mrs. Smidt will be my sub for both of these days. The kids have had her before and she is a common substitute at Arnold. The kids really like her and she does a great job. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or problems!