Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sept. 27-Oct. 1

Hello! Sorry I'm late in getting this out this week!

Our new alphafriend this week is Mimi Mouse, who likes the letter Mm. Talk to you kids about what m says and what are some words that start with that letter. In writer's workshop we are talking about labeling our pictures. The kids will learn they can label a picture with a letter or a word to help others read the story/picture. We're still also talking about colors and identifying the names and colors.

We are starting a new chapter this week! I have assessed the kids on patterns and almost all of them passed with flying colors! Our new chapter is about the numbers 0-5. This week we will be working on one-to-one correspondence and deciding if two sets of items are equal, more, or less.

Just a reminder that parent/teacher conferences will be on October 12 and 14. I will be sending a sheet home with your child soon to remind you of what time and day you signed up for.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concern!

Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20-24

Hello, all! I hope you enjoyed your cool weekend! I'm ready for fall to start, but it looks like I might have to wait! Here's what's happening this week in our classroom:

We are focusing on the letter Ss this week. The kids learned about Sammy Seal today. They found the letter s and colored a picture with lots of s items! You could ask your child to tell you some words that start with the letter s because on Friday we'll make a list of all the words we can think of! In small groups we will be working on writing names. All the kids got to come to my table today and trace their name with 4 different colors. We called it rainbow writing! Tomorrow we're going to trace our names again, but then also write them on our own! In writing we're talking about how to draw people and things that may seem hard to draw. Please encourage to child to think of stories from his/her life that he/she could draw about. It could be something as simple as eating dinner!

We will be finishing up the pattern unit this week! Yay! In order for you child to get a 3 in this chapter he/she needs to be able to at least make an ABC pattern. Any practice at home using those buttons from the homework bags, or anything else, would definately help your child!

As always, if you have questions or concerns, please call or email me! Have a great week!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Run, run, as fast as you can!

Recess Fun!

New Week!

Good Day to All!
I hope you had a good weekend and didn't get sunburnt like I did! :-) Here's what happening this week in our classroom!

We are in our last week of previewing the letters. This week we will focus on the letters Uu-Zz. We are also reading the Aesop Fable of The City Mouse and the Country Mouse. We will read a couple different versions of it and make a class book. We might even make some puppets to act out the story! The kids will learn how to use the listening station and how to read the room with pointers. In writing we will talk about what things we can add to our pictures to tell a story and how to draw simple things and people. Our poem this week is about a Hungry Mouse and the different things it likes to eat. Ask your child about what letter we talked about each day!

We are still working on patterns. I want them to make a pattern beyond just an AB pattern. We have explored AAB and ABB, and a couple kids have come up with ABC and AABBCC! Be practicing these with your buttons from your homework bag or any other items you have at home!

Homework Bags
I will be sending home the homework bags with those childeren who did not make it to curriculum night. I will have a short letter with instructions included. Please make sure you begin to use this regularly!

Have a great week and as always, let me know if you have questions or concerns!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

I hope you all get to have a nice, relaxing Labor Day! Here's what will be going on in our classroom this week.

We will continue to focus on previewing the letters of the alphabet. This week we will introduce letters p-t. We will also continue to practice writing our names. We will be practicing doing work stations like pocket chart, ABC, and classroom library. We will also get to go to the media center for the first time and the kids will be able to check out books!

We will be working all this week on patterns. We learned last week about AB patterns, but will be talking also about AAB, ABB, and other kinds of patterns. Any practice seeing or making patterns at home would be appreciated!

Supplies Request!
If you have any paper towel rolls at your house, I would appreciate it if you would send them to school with your child. There's a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom activity I would like to do, but it requires the towel rolls! Thanks!