Writing Time!
In writing we are starting to work on adding labels and words to our pictures. The kids are doing great! They are great artists and are so enthusiastic to start adding more and sounding out words to go along with their pictures!
Social Studies
We have finished out social studies unit on My Country and Me. In this unit we talked about symbols of America. They took an assessment on Tuesday and they did fantastic! They were able to identify the American Flag, the Bald Eagle, The Statue of Liberty, and The White House!
Your child received a fundraising packet on Thursday. They were very excited to earn some prizes! The money we have raised in the past years has benefited the kids in regards to playground equipment, more pavement, and money for classroom use! If you have any questions please contact the office!
Field Trip!!!
As you received last week, we are in the planning stages of a field trip! We went to JK's Pumpkin Patch last year and it was awesome! We have already received some donations and are still accepting! If you would like to volunteer to come on the field trip please let me know and we will make sure you have the proper "verification" to go! :-)