Sunday, September 22, 2013

Labels and Symbols

Writing Time!
In writing we are starting to work on adding labels and words to our pictures.  The kids are doing great!  They are great artists and are so enthusiastic to start adding more and sounding out words to go along with their pictures!

Social Studies
We have finished out social studies unit on My Country and Me.  In this unit we talked about symbols of America.  They took an assessment on Tuesday and they did fantastic!  They were able to identify the American Flag, the Bald Eagle, The Statue of Liberty, and The White House!

Your child received a fundraising packet on Thursday.  They were very excited to earn some prizes!  The money we have raised in the past years has benefited the kids in regards to playground equipment, more pavement, and money for classroom use!  If you have any questions please contact the office!

Field Trip!!!
As you received last week, we are in the planning stages of a field trip!  We went to JK's Pumpkin Patch last year and it was awesome!  We have already received some donations and are still accepting!  If you would like to volunteer to come on the field trip please let me know and we will make sure you have the proper "verification" to go! :-)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Rockin' in Our School Shoes!

Curriculum Night
Please plan to attend our kindergarten curriculum night this Thursday, September 12th, at 4:30pm.  We will go over what your child will be learning this year and then we will hand out and let you explore your homework bags!  Please have your child attend with you so they can show you a few of the things we've been doing!

This week we will introduce a new sight word: the!  We will show you on Thursday how you can help your child be able to read and write the sight words we have learned so far and as we continue on in the school year.
Our essential question this week is: How can we get along with new friends?  Talk with your child about how they have friends they already knew before they started kindergarten, and now they might have some new ones!

I took a video of the kids doing their SSCWD quick practice this week...hopefully it will load.  If not, I will try to show it to you on Thursday! :-)

Rockin' in Our School Shoes
We read "Pete the Cat Rockin' in His School Shoes" last week.  So we took pictures of those kiddos who were wearing their school shoes.  I appreciate it when the kids wear shoes to school.  It is so much safer for them!  Thank you!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Welcome September!

Wow!  We have finished 3 weeks of school already!  The kids are doing great and learning lots!  Here are some things we have worked and/or will be coming up!

Sight Words
We have learned three sight words already!  I, can, dad.  This week we will be working on mom.  By the end of the quarter the kids will need to be able to read and write at least 6 sight practicing them as much as possible would be very helpful!

As you may have seen in the newsletter we have a reading and math SMART goal.  This is to help us as teachers make sure we are doing all we can to teach your children effectively.  We choose an instructional strategy to help guide us to reach our goals.  For September we have selected:

Reinforcing Effort and Providing Practice

This is why we have asked for your help!  We know we can achieve more if we work together!  We want the kids to understand that the harder they work, the more they are going to learn.  That it's what they do, not us!  Thank you for your support in reaching these goals.  Please contact me if you have any questions!

Dates to Remember
September 12th @ 4:30 will be our curriculum night.  We encourage you to bring your child as they will be showing you what they are/will be learning!  There will be childcare provided for other children.
September 27th is school picture day.  Information should be coming home sometime soon in your child's manila Arnold folder.

5th Grade Buddies
Each month on the PLC day we get to meet with our 5th grade buddies!  This time, since it was the first meeting, they got to pick their partners and they read books together.  Each month we will do something different!