We worked on the letter Qq, which we talked about is married to the letter Uu! They never go anywhere without each other! :-) As you can see, our Qq list was quite short, but there just aren't as many words that start with Qq as other letter!
Some of the sight words we've been working on are:
5th Grade Buddies
We worked with our 5th grade buddies last week on the early out day. We read the book The Mitten, by Jan Brett on the computer. During the story, the kids colored a picture matching the animal in the story. The kids really enjoyed it!
Congrats to Ali on being the January Kid of Character! Ali does a great job of following directions, participating in class, and getting along with other.
Also congrats to the following students for having outstanding attendance in 2nd quarter! Thanks you for always having them at school and on time!
Rylan, Jackson, Gregory, Caleb,
Katie, Matti, Andrew, Brooklyn, Cole
We have been working a lot with teen numbers in math. One of the activities we have done is to build the teen numbers with a ten stick and cubes. We also have equation cards to put on the tray to show the teen number. Then we do our finger flashes to show that 11 is 10 and 1, etc.