Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Third Quarter Week 2

Welcome to 3rd Quarter!
I can't believe it's already 3rd Quarter!  This year has just flown by!  You will be getting the third quarter objectives coming home next week.  Some things we will be working on are:
new sight words
dictation (writing a word in sound boxes ~ I'll try to get a pic of if on next week)
sounding out words into 3 parts
write a 3 part story (beginning, middle, end) with a lead
solve addition problems

Also, on that note, please remember that 2ND QUARTER HOMEWORK SHEETS ARE DUE THIS FRIDAY, JANUARY 25TH!

Last week we had two new sight words:


Our alphafriend was Keely Kangaroo.  This was a tricky one as the kids always want to think of words that start with the letter Cc!  However, they came up with a pretty good list of Kk words as you can see below!

We will be taking our Unit 3 Math test this Thursday!  Please make sure your child is at school from 12-1!!  We will be testing over number partners 2-6, patterns, drawing five groups, writing numbers 1-20, and deciding if numbers are equal or not-equal.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Holiday Celebrations!

Congrats Emma!
Emma was our December Kid of Character for always being a good helper, trying her best, and playing by the rules!

5th Grade Buddies
For our December 5th grade buddy time we each gave a little gift and then read some stories together.

Holidays Around the World
The Family Literacy Program parents presented to us to share what their tradition are in their home countries.  We heard from some parents from Russia, Mexico, and Africa.

Gingerbread Houses!
The kids had a blast decorating gingerbread houses with their 5th grade buddies!  Thank you to all who donated supplies to make it possible.

We also decorated gingerbread cookies........

And then ate them!

Miss Boltz Came Back!
Miss Boltz came back to pay us a visit and give the kids a little gift!

Present Time!