Friday, April 20, 2012

April 16-20

In writers' workshop we have been working on adding voice to our stories. We've learned that to do this we can add people talking, different size font, and punctuation. This week we also learned that we can add the "inside" story. We want to tell what we were: thinking, feeling, remembering, or wishing. Here is a story written by Jace that has some awesome voice!

I was going to my grandpa's. I said, "Yipee" I said to my family.

I finally went to swim. I felt happy. I got my swim suit on. Then I jumped in the water. Then I went home.

We also had a new word wall word this week as shown here by Garrette.
We also talked about the letter Jj and the -ug word family.

***Math Bags***
Please remember that if you would like a math bag to work on unit 5 math skills with your child, please let me know! I have given out 3 so far and have several others the kids can be using! Just send me an email or talk to me before or after school!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This Week AND Last Week!

I just somehow can't seem to be able to catch up this year! So here's what we've been working on last week and this week!

First up is Aidan and Zachary doing math routines. First we circle the number we are working on that day on our 120 poster.
Then we write an equation to show what the number means. For example:
Then we do finger flashes to show that number counting by tens and then ones.
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred, one hundred ten, one hundred eleven, one hundred twelve, one hundred thirteen, one hundred fourteen, one hundred fifteen. (Whew!)

The words we have been working on for these two weeks are:

I'm sure many of your children came home last Friday talking about the rodeo! The UNL Rodeo Club came out to school and put on a show for the kids and then let them pet some of the animals they brought. They had a couple horses and a couple calves!

The big book we read this week was called, Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash. It was about a woman who not only hangs up her clothes, but everything else she can find! The kids really enjoyed it. You'll have to ask your child what all she hung up on her clothesline!

Have a great Easter!