Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14-18

This week we are working on the letter Cc and our alphafriend is Callie Cat. Talk with your child about words that start with the /k/ sound as we will be making a list on Friday!
We have no new word wall words this week, but will just be reviewing all the ones we know. Be working on those blue cards in your homework bag!
In writing this week we are working more on sounding out words and trying to write words that have more than 2 sounds. Every word should have a vowel!! :-) We are also working on making sure we can read the words we wrote!

This week in math we a doing lots of reviewing. We have completed all the formal lessons and are now doing math activities to help us remember what we've learned. I will be working specifically with those students who need a little more support. And the unit 2 assessment will be TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD IS AT SCHOOL THAT DAY!

Social Studies
We are still working on a unit about People and Celebrations. This week we will be talking about how cultures are different and how different cultures celebrate different things. We will also be making a family tree. So be talking to your child about who is in their family!

Stone Soup!
A note was sent home on Friday about our Stone Soup activity we are going to be doing as a whole kindergarten. We will be reading books about Stone Soup this week and next and then on Monday, November 21, we will make our own stone soup! We will cut and chop the food and act out the story as we start cooking the soup. We will also make butter for our bread and placemats to eat on! We will need your food contributions, however, for the fun activity. If you can send any of the following items, please send them by Friday, November 18:
*a few celery sticks
*1 onion
*1-2 carrots
*1-2 potatoes
*1 can of green beans
*1 can of peas
*1 can of corn
Also, if you would like to volunteer to help make the stone soup, please fill out the volunteer sheet and return it by Friday also. If you can't locate your sheet that was sent home Friday, we need volunteers on Monday, November 21 from 9:15-10:30am or Tuesday, November 22 from 2:15-3:15pm.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Red Ribbon Week!

Put a Cap on Drugs

Hugs Not Drugs!

Stomp Out Drugs!

Team Up Against Drugs!

(If you click on the pics you can see them larger!)

November 7-11

This week we are working on the letter Vv and our alphafriend is Vinnie Volcano. Talk with your child about words that start with the /v/ sound as we will be making a list on Friday!
Our word wall words this week are: to, me. Work with your child on how to spell these words.
In writing this week we are remembering that we need to add details to our pictures. We are also learning about the CAPS man. He reminds us that we need: Capital letters, Art, Punctuation, and Spelling in our stories!

In math this week we are reviewing numbers through 10, as well as talking about the number 10. We will also be looking at a math mat and using pennies to see how each number is one more than the previous number and one less than the number after.

Social Studies
We are starting out unit on People and Celebrations. We will we talking about how different cultures celebrate different holidays and in different ways. We will also be talking about traditions that you have in your family. Be talking to your child about those family traditions!

Quarter 2 Homework
The quarter 2 homework sheets went home last week. There are no new supplies, just new activities to add to what you've already been doing. Those snowflake sheets will be due on January 11, 2012!

Report Cards
Report cards were SUPPOSED to go home last Friday.....I FORGOT!!! :-) They will be coming home in your child's manila folder today! Sorry!!

Turkey Trot
The annual Arnold School Turkey Trot is coming up! There is a sign-up form in your child's manila folder. The event will take place next Tuesday, November 15. The kids need to be signed up by Monday, November 14!