Monday, May 23, 2011

Baby Beluga

Last Week of School!

Well....last week flew by and I didn't even get a post on! Sorry! Can you believe this is the last week of school?! This year has really gone by in a wink for me! I'm going to miss the kids! Not a whole lot to say for the last 4 days of school. We have our recognition assembly tomorrow at 9. Congratulations to Savannah T. for receiving this month's trophy! Also congrats to all the kiddos last week who had perfect attendance in 4th quarter. And a BIG congrats to Kennedy for not missing a day of school the whole year!! That's a big deal!

Please make sure your child is bringing a backpack to school this week (except for Friday!). We will be sending anything left home this week and it's helpful to have someplace to carry it!

Summer Library Program
The public library met with the kids today to tell them of some great reading activities this summer. They have a reading program that is open to all kids in which they can receive prizes! I would highly recommend this program. It starts June 1 and you can get started at any Lincoln public library!

We will finish up our kindergarten school year with a wonderful world of water celebration at Arnold school on Friday, May27 in the afternoon.
Weather permitting, we will do outdoor water activities during the afternoon.
**Your child may bring a towel and sunglasses in a plastic sack.
**We will provide sunscreen for everyone!!
Your child may either bring their swimsuit or wear it under their clothes OR wear clothes that can get wet.
If possible, bring flip flops or sandals to wear while moving from station to station.
Hope for lots of sunshine!!!!
(***This is a kindergarten activity ONLY!!***)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 9-13

Wow! Can you believe we only have 3 1/2 weeks of school left! Here's how we will be finishing up this week and the weeks to come!

We are doing an oceans unit these last couple weeks of school. This week we have talked about Beluga Whales which we are researching in the library. You can have your child show you the facts about the whales we used on the website pebblego. In order to get to the site your will need to go to the Arnold media center site ( and click on the PebbleGo link under "digital content". We are also working with a poem about seastars and will be doing an activity with them on Friday!

We have been finishing up the money unit. Man, is this hard!! I have found a couple videos on youtube that the kids really like and we've been watching daily to help them learn the coins and their worth. I'm also working on putting together a video of the kids with the money....hopefully I'll get it ready!

Next week the homework sheets are due on Wednesday, May 18th!! Be finishing those up!
Next week is also our field trip!!! We will be leaving the school at 10:00 and be at the museum from 10:30-12:30. We will eat our sack lunches after we play! If you have any questions please let me know!

Have a great week!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 2-6

Welcome May! And it actually felt like spring today!

This week we are just doing a lot of review and practice. I am finishing up some assessing and everyone is looking great! I have just a couple kids I'll need to do some retesting on...but I really think they'll be there! Please be finishing up those homework sheets as they will be due May 18th!

We are still talking about money this week. We talked about the dime yesterday and the quarter today. We'll be doing more practice with the coins tomorrow and Thursday so I can assess them. They need to be able to identify the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter and know how much each one is worth!

Running results!
So I told you I was running the Lincoln half-marathon on Sunday and I'm happy to report I ran my fastest time ever! It took me 2 hours and 12 minutes! I was pretty sore on Monday, but am doing much better now! I'll post a picture as soon as my mom emails them to me!