Monday, March 28, 2011

March 28-April 1

Welcome back! I'm sure that was really a "spring" break, but hopefully spring will appear soon. I'm getting pretty tired of snow!! I think the kids were excited to be back today, but I could tell they were tired by the end of the day! Here's what's happening in our classroom this week:

Our focus letter is Ww with our alphafriend being Willy Worm.
Our word of the week is: this
Our word family is: -en
In writing we will be talking again about ideas to write about. We talked today about writing about things we really know a lot about. Tomorrow we will talk about places that we've been! We will also start talking about voice. In writing this means that the story should sound like the author. One way this can be done is through using different fonts. Bold, squiggly, or fun letters!
We will also be reading stories about spring (maybe this will help mother nature!) and doing a couple activities about spring and what it means.

We have started a unit on subtraction. Today we acted out some problems to get the kids to understand that in subtraction we take away. The rest of the week we will work on doing subtraction by using manipulatives and looking for patterns in subtraction.

Tomorrow (3/29) is an early out day. The kids will be dismissed at 2:18.

Book order
I will be sending home a book order tomorrow. It will be due on Friday, April 1st. You can go online to order or just return the order forms to me with money.

Attendance Assembly
Notes went home today with those students who had perfect attendance for third quarter. They will be recognized on Thursday at the assembly as will those who returned their homework sheets!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring, here we come!!

March 14-18

Hello, all! It seems that we are on the brink of spring weather! I know I'm excited for all the kids to be able to get out in the warm weather more often! Here's what happening this week:

This is a review week, so we will not have a focus letter.
The word we are focusing on is: up
We will be talking about the -og word family
In writing we have started talking about poems. Yesterday they heard some Shel Siverstein poems, today I read them a poem I wrote, and tomorrow we will write a poem together! By Friday, they will each get to write a poem by themselves! I'm excited to see what they come up with!

We will finish up our chapter on addition this week. We will be doing some fun math games that have a St. Patrick's day theme! I will also be assessing the kids individually on their addition skills.

We have been talking about farms and so yesterday and today we have watched a Reading Rainbow video about cows and how they give us milk and what we do with that milk! There's a cool part about how to make cheese! We will also be doing a fun shamrock activity in honor of St. Patrick's day! Be looking for pictures!

Next week is spring break! There will not be school all week! Please spend some of this time finishing up your homework sheets. The homework is due Wednesday, March 30th!

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7-11

With the craziness of last week I never got an update for you all! Sorry about that! Here's what's going on this week:

We are focusing on the letter Xx with our letter friend being Mr. X-ray. With the letter x we talk more about words that have x in them since there aren't many words that start with the letter x!
Our word wall word is: said
We are still talking about the -ot family this week, but also adding in the -op family. We will be playing a couple fun games with these words!
In writing we are talking about word choice. Last week we focused on adding details to our stories by using color words, size words, feeling words, and sound words. This week we are talking about using transition words (first, next, last, then) and also about how we should start sentences with different words (not always I!).

We will continue to work on adding this week. We will be drawing pictures, using cubes, using dominoes and writing number sentences. At this stage we would like them to be using some sort of manipulatives or drawing to solve the addition sentences.

Even though is doesn't seem very springy right now, we have started talking about spring. I'm hoping if we do some spring activities it will encourage the weather to change!

Thank You!
Thank you all for coming to conferences last week. I had 100% participation!! I don't think I've ever had that! It means a lot to me and your child that you are interested and care about their education!

Have a great week!