Sunday, August 29, 2010

Curriculum Update

We will continue to preview the letters this week focusing on J-Z. Pointing the letters out to your child and talking about what sounds they make would be a great help in the classroom.

In math I will be assessing the kids' sorting skills. They need to be able to sort items in at least 2 ways. Last week we learned how to sort by color and shape. This week we will talk about size and kind. Any practice at home on these skills would also be beneficial for you child!

And just a reminder that Tuesday is an early out day. The kids will be dismissed at 2:18 so we can meet as teams in order to bring your children the best we possibly can!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kindergarten News

We're still getting used to the schedule, routines, rules and new faces. Here are some concepts we are working on that you could ask about!

Rhyming ~ try to work rhyming words into conversation at home. READ and point out rhyming words in books you have at home. We will test the ability to pick out rhyming pairs soon!
Letters ~ we are introducing capital and lowercase letters. Talk about what letter comes at the beginning of your child's name. In class we have started a name chart!

We are working on position words like ~ top, middle bottom
in and out
above and below
over and under
left and right
Please try to use these words in daily conversations as well!

Writer's Workshop
We are learning that kindergartners can be authors. We've spent the last few days telling oral stories from our lives. We want to kids to be able to tell/write stories that really happened to them. The rest of this week we'll be working on drawing pictures of our stories.

And of course we're still working on what the rules are inside and outside and how the school discipline system works. You should have received a note about the school's BIST program and how the students may have to sit in the safe seat or go to the buddy room.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Day!

We had a great first day of school this year! We learned about how to make your lunch choice, hang up our backpacks, sit on the rug, and sit at our tables! We read a couple stories about how we are all different, but we can still work together and get along. I took everyone's picture and while I did that the kids got to play with playdough. This was many of the kids' favorite part of the day. Other favorites were recess, lunch, and making their handprint after we read The Kissing Hand. This is a story about a little raccoon going to his first day of school and his mom kissed his hand so he would know she was with him all the time. I'm looking foward to the rest of the week!